Thursday, October 22, 2009

Exciting times at YWAM Montana

I thought I would send out an update on all that's going on here. I feel very overwhelmed with excitement and hope that I'm able to put it into words. When ywam purchased the "base" in 1985 there was a foundation right in the center of the base. Since then it's been referred to as "the slab". There have probably been at least a hundred meetings about what to do with the slab. Last year, God really gave several people a long term vision of the base, which included turning the "slab" into a facilities/auto shop and then allowing other space to become a bigger student center, cafeteria, and auditorium. Well, one Monday work really began on the slab. There have been teams here over the past month or so helping with foundation work, but on Monday the walls started going up! The level of excitement around here is amazing. Everyone's so excited that it's really happening. God's vision for this place is one step closer.
There's another huge God story that has happened over the past few weeks. A local couple in Lakeside purchased some property down on the lake that was a hotel. They called YWAM and asked if they could donate the hotel to us! Crazy! We're always in a bind with housing and limited as to how many new staff we can take b/c there never seems to be enough housing. Well it gets even better, they have not only donated the hotel, but are also paying to have it moved here! On Nov. 5th the hotel will be moved from the property by the lake to our base. It has 12 one bedroom apts. What a blessing! David has been very busy to say the least. He's been meeting the power company and tree removal men because the building is so large that there are 14 huge trees to be taken down and the power lines will have to be lowered while the building is being moved.
It's really been just an awesome past few months here. It's funny cause when we first came on staff I thought it was great that David could use his skills to make the structures here better in order to have more students and really be apart of this mission that we both love so dearly. But as time goes on, i'm realizing that the "building of buildings" is so not the point of use being here. God keeps giving me some verses in Titus 2 about training young men to be disciplined and training young women to love their husbands and children, be pure, busy at home, and to be kind. I've had the chance to have one of the DTS students come to my house every afternoon from 3-5 for her work duties. Obviously it's so great to have some help with the laundry, dishes, kids, etc. but more importantly i've had the chance to see God change her heart over the past 6 weeks. This is why we are here! To see lives being changed.
I have a bible study starting this coming wed. with a group of 6 girls, 3 are married and 3 are single. we're going to cook together and spend 6 weeks learning about what a Titus 2 woman looks like. I'm really excited. It takes me out of my comfort zone to be teaching, but i'm so looking forward to it.
Well, so much for being a short update, but I really wanted to share the excitement. I'll be posting pictures tonight of the building.


Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I love the new Fall design! And it doesn't seem possible that Flint can be that big. Oh my goodness! It's wonderful to hear about all the great things God is doing on the base ... incredible!

Amie Ezelle said...

I wish I could join your bible study. It sounds like it is going to be great! With the Lord's help you are going to do an awesome job.

Also, thanks for sharing about what the Lord is doing there. So exciting to hear about everything!! God is so awesome and it is such a blessing when we get to be right in the middle of what He is doing!

We love you guys :-)