Monday, November 1, 2010

The madness continues

We've now been gone from Montana for 5 weeks. Our stay here in Birmingham has been the longest that we've stayed in the same place during this trip. We've been here for 2 weeks straight now. To sum it up, I would say that this trip has been busy, crazy, exhausting, amazing, tiring, frustrating, encouraging and refreshing. funny how one trip can incorporate so many feelings. We've met with churches, small groups, youth groups, and individuals, sharing with them our vision and what God has called us to do working with young people.
It's been really good for David and I to have to explain to people what we do. we've had to step back and look at the past 2 years and see what God has done. It's been so encouraging to meet with people who know us and really support us in our ministry.
It's always bitter sweet for me to come "home". I used to call Birmingham home, but when we went to church last week someone welcomed me and asked if I was visiting for the first time. It took me by surprise since for so many years we were so involved. It struck me that maybe it wasn't home anymore. And yet me heart is still with the people who are there. To be with old friends, the kind that even though you haven't seen them in over a year, it's like you just pick up right where you left off. It's just beautiful. And yet when i'm away from Montana I just miss it. I miss the people, the joy that just abounds there.
We have had great times with friends and family and it will be very very hard to say goodbye in a week. But we are also ready to be back. Of course there are 3000 miles to be traveled in order to get back. So the packing must begin again, trying to figure out how in the world to fit all the "treats" that the grandparents have lavished on our children in our already over packed van. This week will probably be our busiest yet. we have dinners and meetings every night, and almost every day too. We did have a great time on Halloween with the family and a block party.

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