We've had a very busy few weeks, and it's just getting busier. We had the opportunity last thursday night to go to the graduation for the SBS students. (School of Biblical Studies). It was so encouraging to be there and watch 42 students, mostly in their early 20's who have spent the last 9 months diligently studying the Bible. They've read the entire Bible 5 times, and learned the Inductive way of studying the entire Bible. I was blown away sitting there seeing the passion that these young people have for the Word of God and I just felt overwhelmed with thankfulness that we get to be a part of it. These young people have learned the scripture in a way that will forever change them and they are changing the world. It's just so exciting to me.
We have sadly had to say goodbye to several dear friends this week who have left staff here. It's definitely the hardest part of being here, making friends, watching these young men and women grow up and then saying goodbye. But with that, is the excitement of new students and new staff. This weekend was the start to the summer programs. Summer of Dance, Summer of Music and sumer of Sports are under way. They will be here for 4 weeks and then go on outreach to Tawian for 3 weeks. We also have a DTS equip going on. Where DTS (discipleship training school) leaders from all over the world come here and get trained on how to deal with the students that come to their schools.
Our summer is packed full of exciting things. Here's what we have coming up. Please pray for the workers and families that will be coming throughout the summer to bless our ministry. They give their vacation to come and make our "base" a better facility.
Also, David has been asked to go for a week trip with the Summer Outdoor Adventure Program, to teach fly fishing and talk on servant leadership.
Here's a look at what our summer's going to look like:
July 4th-10th - VWAP (Vacation with a purpose) team from Washington is here
July 12-17th - David teaching the Outdoor Adventure program
July 18th - David's in a wedding in Idaho
July 19-23 - VWAP - Youth group from Florida is coming to work for the week
July 26th-Aug 4th- Mary's parents come for a visit
Aug. 2nd-6 - Another VWAP team
Aug-16-21- work team from Wash.
Aug. 23-27 - University of Nations is having the North Am. leadership conference here at YWAM Montana.
whew, that looks like alot once it's all down. we'll keep you posted and please be praying for students and work teams that come. For safety as they are working, and that they would be blessed as they invest into the ministry that goes on here in Montana.
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