Here are some pictures from Welcome to Montana night. It was a lot of fun for the boys. They all dressed up in cowboy attire and we had some BBQ.
The boys had their first "snow day" on Friday. Except it didn't snow, just rain, which then turned to a thick sheet of ice on the roads. They were so excited to not have to go to school. I didn't have the heart to tell them that they'll have to make it up in the spring. They spent a few hours today sledding down a hill of ice/snow in our yard. Only problem was that there was no snow on the street, so they would go down the hill and land on the road. They just kept getting hurt. Apparently they thought that I was kidding when I said it doesn't work real well to sled on the asphalt.
David left today to go to Santa Fe, NM with a few guys from the base here. They are going to frame in a building which will be used for staff housing at the YWAM base down there. It's a 22 hour drive so they'll have a very long night and day tomorrow.
Every quarter when a new school comes we have International Night at our weekly community meeting. They've decided this time to have a US table and have asked me to make the food for it. So of course my plan is to make some sweet tea, fried okra and boiled peanuts. One slight problem: I can't find okra or raw peanuts. I called every natural food store within 30 miles. One guy actually asked me what I was going to do with raw peanuts with the shells. I told him I was going to boil them and then, no joke, he said, " and then what will you do with them?" Are you kidding me? he acted like I was a crazy person that I was going to eat peanuts after boiling them. It's a little sad if you ask me. These native montanaians have no idea what kind of good food they've been missing out on. The past week i've introduced 2 people to sweet tea. And they're both hooked now. My goal is to intoduce these westerners to some good southern food. I'm hoping to make some fried green tomatoes soon.
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