well, Flint and I are alot like the postman, how you ask?? neither rain nor sleet nor wind nor snow can keep from some good black friday shopping. I figured Flint wakes up every morning at an ungodly hour at least we'd have something to do. So he and I headed to downtown Albuquerque along with the other million people and hit the stores. He was a great little shopper. And the truck did have a nice coat of snow on it when we got out of the store.
We're now in Socorro, NM. We drove down yesterday, it's' about 2 hours S. of Albuquerque. There was supposed to be a balloon rally (hot air, not latex) this morning. So, we woke all the boys up around 5:30, except Flint who was already up of course. bundled them up since it was in the 20's outside, and drove to the field to see all the beautiful balloons, except when we got there, there weren't any. Apparently they don't go up when it's windy and sleeting, go figure! So, we've spent the day at yet another walmart parking lot. there's a parade here tonight, and then they are supposed to have the balloon rally tom. morning. Hopefully i'll have some great pictures of hot air balloons to share tomorow.
The boys, one very big in particular have spent the day riding around the parking lot on their new favorite toy, a blue, banana seat bike. just like the ones we had as kids.
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