Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Meuller State Park, Colorado

the Boys found a shelter that seemed Much bigger than the inside of our camper. The best part about this park was that today when we were leaving the park ranger asked us when we were going two or three times. they said that check out was at noon and it was 12:30. funny thing is we were one of maybe 4 sites taken out of about 250. I guess it was time for the Garrigans to move on down the road. right now we are in Colorado Springs, or "the springs" as Mary likes to call it now. we have taken over a previously quiet Hotel, where for some reason they put us on the floor that is labeled the Crown Plaza Sleep advantage quiet floor.

The west has brought new discoveries to the Garrigans. the boys favorite restuarant has gone from Taco Casa to Denny's they are living it up. Did you know kids eat free there.... alot. We have also discovered that the Amerigo is much smaller 1500 miles from home than it is 200 or less. we are working on the camper, tp organize and try to make space for everybody and everything. we will leave th Denny's thing alone for now until we find a cheaper place to eat.

Mary's Birthday is on Thursday. Happy Birthday Baby. We all love you.

I fished eleven Mile Canyon the other day. I Love the West, there are Fish everywhere, like squirels in Florida. speaking of squirels. there was a boy swimming in the pool with us that told Barrett and Luke that there are squirels living in the indoor pool room where they have some big huge Crepe Myrtles that remind me of home. they will believe anything. Last night, sitting around the fire, I was eating a mini snickers, and they wanted a bite and then there own. I told them it was a peice of wood off a tree that tasted like chocolate. the tree stands about three inches tall and has on huge red and blue leaf. If they see any they should eat them. It is a good way to protect my snicker stash.

tomorrow we arw going to invade Chad and Erynn Seidel's house for a Garrigan Style sleep over, Randy Quaid in Christmas Vacation comes to mind. we will have lots of fun though, I hope they do. Chads Aunt is going to be there too. Full House. maybe we will take them out to Denny's on saturday, kids eat free then. We are trying to decide to head norh or west after that, Estes Park or Glenwood Springs. Mary wants to go were it is warmer, might not be much of a choice. I don't care , I just drive. there are lots of fish both ways.

we miss you all. I hope you are enjoying the updates. post replies, we love to see them. Good night, talk to you next time we have internet..........


The Stalcup Journey said...

we miss you guys terribly- missing the boys...missing mary...missing y'all at small group...we just miss ya! Don't forget about us back here, and you better come home!!! ;)

wphilt said...

awesome pictures, come south to see me if you want some humidity and flat boring scenery.
love you guys,
phil t

Mike G said...

Great to see pictures, especially Barrett with his teeth missing. Speaking of missing, we are missing you all but are excited about your adventure. Get to Glenwood if you get a chance. The drive in is beautiful and the spa pools are awesome in cold weather.

dottygarrigan said...

I played the video this morning just to hear your voices. Keep having adventures for all us folks stuck in Alabama. Happy birthday Mary, hope Mary-fest is a huge event there in Colorado.
Miss and love you all. Mimi